Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Secretary : Agenda - PLAYER'S MEETING ON SUNDAY 28th JANUARY 2007


Following our note regarding the above meeting, please find herewith the proposed agenda:

1. Opening and Welcome

2.Introduction of new members(2006)

3.Update from the Management Board
3.1 2007 Champ
3.2 Bags
3.3 Pro
3.3.1 Resignation
3.3.2 Cooption into this role
3.4 2007 Subscriptions
3.5 Awards
3.5.1 100% attendance 2006
3.5.2 Most improved player 2006

4.Player's issues
4.1 .........?
4.2 ........?
4.3 .........?
4.4 ........?,etc


NB: Members, please let us have your suggested issues you would like to raise, so that we can include them in the final agenda Friday morning. Again, the meeting starts at 10h00 sharp, looking forward to welcoming you .

Yours truly


+27 11 302 6080 Tel
+27 11 302 8878 Fax
+27 82 570 4308 Mob
e-mail: alfk @za.ibm.com

Secretary : PRO ROLE

On behalf of the management board and the entire membership, we would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude for the invaluable contribution made by Mr Mmifi Molapo in the running of the club.We wish him well in his endeavour to better his game.
Bru, its been great working with you and we hope to still get some more advise from you.

In the same breath, we welcome onboard Mr Ntlai Mosiah, who readily availed himself to serve you the members. He will be assisted by Mr Thabiso Legoete, particularly around the order of merit.Gentlemen, thank you so much for your willingness and dedication to this great club. This goes to demonstrate the depth of talent resident in this club.

Oncemore, lets have fun..............nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.



Secretary : 2007 Players and management board meetings


Please diarise the dates indicated below for our meetings.

Players meetings Management Board Mmeetings


January 28 , Benoni February 22, MIC



June 17, Germiston April 19, MIC


October 14, Kempton June 21, MIC



November 25, Randpark August 23,MIC


October 18, MIC


December 06, MIC



Yours in sport


+27 11 302 6080 Tel
+27 11 302 8878 Fax
+27 82 570 4308 Mob
e-mail: alfk @za.ibm.com

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Hi Ladies & Gentlemen!!

Our 3rd game of the year is as follows:

VENUE: Wanderers golf Club

DATE: 11th February 2007

TEE OF TIME: 11h30 sharp on 10thTee (Specific times will be sent with the Pairings next week)


UNIFORM: Black Cap, Red Shirt (Golfino), Khaki Pants and any colour of Shoes.

GREEN FEES: R180.00 (Please deposit this into club’s bank account and fax me proof of payment to 086 504 5901 OR 086 504 1824 before 16h00 on Wednesday 7th Feb 2007)

CONFIRMATION & APOLOGIES: Please submit these before 12h00 on Tuesday 6th February 2007. However, the sooner you confirm the better so as to enable us to handle the over-subscription of the game.

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena

Club Captain

DISQUALIFICATIONS - T Letsebe, T Oliphant, S Sithole

Hi Members!!

The Captain’s Committee after a due consideration has decided to disqualify the following members due to the following reasons.

1. Tshepo Letsebe:

He played of a wrong handicap for both games at Modderfontein and State Mines. His handicap changed on the 1st January 2007 from 5 to 3. But he continued to play of a 5 on both games. He is therefore disqualified for both games. It goes without saying that he will also forfeit the price that he got at State Mines.

2. Tommy Oliphant:

His handicap changed from 18 to 17 on the 15th January 2007. He played of 18 still at State Mines. He is therefore disqualified for the State Mines game.

3. Sipho Sithole:

Currently Sipho does not have a home course and therefore does not have a handicap as he has not yet renewed his membership at Observatory. Our Constitution as well as the Rules do not allow a person to play without a home course and handicap. At least under these circumstances he should have played of a scratch instead he played of a 9. He is therefore disqualified for the State Mines game.

NB: It is our responsibility check our handicaps every time we play. We all know that handicaps are calculated twice a month and can change faster than you think especially if you are playing well.

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena

Captain’s Committee.


Hi Members!!

As indicated yesterday during the Players’ Meeting, attached please find an updated Schedule of Games. An extra game has been booked for the 9th December 2007 at Pebble Rock Golf Club in Pretoria.

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena.


Hi Ladies & Gentlemen!!

Our next second game of the year is as follows.

NB: May I please ask you all to respond as early as you can so that should our numbers be more than 32 players we can then negotiate with the course on time for an extra slots as we would like all our members to be able to play when they have confirmed to play.

1. VENUE: Benoni Lake Golf Club

2. DATE: 28th January 2007

3. TEE OF TIME: 07H33 (10th Tee) Specific times will be sent later.

4. GREEN FEES: R140.00 (Please deposit this amount into the club’s bank account before closure of business on Tuesday 23rd January and fax me proof of payment to 086 504 5901 ASAP.

5. FORMAT: Medal

6. UNIFORM: Black Cap; Maroon Shirt (Cutter & Buck); Black Pants and Black Shoes. (Trialists please wear the same colours as well)

7. CONFIRMATIONS: Please confirm by no later than 14h00 on Tuesday 23rd January 2007. As stated above if you can confirm earlier than this will really be appreciated. Apologies should also be on the same basis. We still have people who are violating the Club Rules by not submitting apologies when they are not going to play. This is wrong and we all know it.

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena

Club Captain.


Hi Lady & Gentlemen!!

2006 has come and gone. 2007 has just been ashad in. As stated already our 1st game of 2007 is scheduled for the 14th Jan at Modderfontein. I know that most of us played a lot of golf during the festive season and shot very good scores.

Now please those who have not please log those scores and send me your “New Handicaps” for Update Purposes. We all know that as of 31st December 2006 the handicaps have been recalculated and we should most of us be having new handicaps.

For a record, as of the 1st Jan 2007 of which was my Birthday by the way my handicap is a “Solid 3”. AK 47 plays of a “Good 12”. The New Champ, Bra Gard is playing of a “lovely 8”. Pat Nyathi is now a “Weak 9” as I believe he should be playing of a “Dynamic 4”. Peter Ntsoko is also playing of a “Lousy 7” as I strongly think that he should be a “Fantastic 4 or 3”. Bra Moss is still on a “Grumpy 8”, just to name a few. I am sure you all understand and get my drift. Let’s all start the “WHO Year” on the 14th Jan at Modderfontein with correct Handicaps.

Best regards,




Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

Our next game is as follows:

VENUE: Royal JHB East Course (This game is booked for 32 players)

DATE: 26th November 2006

TEE OFF TIME: 11H45 Sharp. (Specific Tee off times will be sent to you together with the pairings next week)

FORMAT: Full Medal


R160.00 (This is to be deposited into the Club’s Account before 14h00 on Wednesday 22nd November 2006 & fax proof of payment to 0865045901)


Black Cap, Red Shirt, Black Pants and Black Shoes.

NB: Trialists & those who don’t have the red shirt please wear any Red shirt, but pants, shoes and cap must be black.


Please confirm your availability before 14h00 on Wednesday 22nd November 2006. If you are not available to play please submit your apology on the same day and time.

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena


Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

Our next game is as follows:

VENUE: Silver Lakes GC (Remember that this game is booked for 32 players)

DATE: 12th November 2006

TEE OF TIME: 11h30 sharp on 10th Tee. (However, specific Tee off times will be communicated next week together with the Pairings)


GREEN FEES: R170.00 (This is to be deposited into the Club’s Account before Wednesday 8th November 2006)


CONFIRMATIONS: Please confirm by no later than 14h00 on Wednesday 8th Nov. If you are not playing submit your apology on the same day and time.

UNIFORM: Black Cap; Maroon Shirt (Cutter & Buck); Khaki Pants, Any colour of Shoes. (Those without the Maroon Shirt, please wear the Red Shirt.)

Best regards,

Pusetso Thomas Qhena.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!


Attached please find our formidable Team that is going to do work for Ambassadors against West Orlando. This is a very important game by any standard. It is the last game of the season. As we go to this game the Log is as follows:


Team:                              Points:


1. West Orlando                17.5

2. Ambassadors               16.5

3. Masters                         16.0

4. Dinaledi                        14.0


So you can see that we need to win this game by hook or crook and I know Ambassadors members are very proud and will win this game. Everything of the best to our formidable team. With AK 47 in the team there is no way we can go wrong.




Black Cap; Red Shirt; Black Pants & Black Shoes.


Arrival Time:


Please all players MUST be at Royal JHB at 11h00 SHARP. As you can see from the team, the Singles will be going first.




There will be a light dinner at a cost of R63.00 per player after the game. This is where the trophy will be handed over to the 2006 Champion.


Best regards,

Thomas Qhena.

Club Captain.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

RE: Killarney Game 3 Sept 2006 - Order of merit @ 7 Sept 2006

Dear Ambassador ,

Yes, you have been waiting patiently for this update. Especially if your name is Paul. The man moves 15 places leaving a lot of us wondering what happened. Well done Mr. President. What did you say? If you don’t shape up then what? Is this leading from the front?

Another brilliant performance was from Phungo with 33 points to tie the lead with Paul. Mr. Tshiredo with this kind of performance the top spot is not impossible considering that there are 7 games left including SD.

Moss is consolidating his position on the 2nd spot. You have been consistent in the last few games and this has earned you your stripes. Keep it up.

Bra Lot is a hard worker on the golf course; this is paying off handsomely, what a performance. 31 points put you on position 11, moving up 3 places. Top ten finish? Definitely.

The Captain’s new system is paying off. He completed the three way tie for the third place, a feat unheard of in the past. Is this a sign of things to come? I believe so. Well done Bra Tom.

Jackson, What’s happening? Is it those massive drives or your short game is now in place? Whatever you are doing keep it up. Your performance moves you from 18th to 14th.

Golf is a humbling game that tests ones character. Some days are very good and some are very, very trying. You must just hold your head and demonstrate your patience and strength. That requires faith and the ability to show a smile even if the pain is unbearable. You are a man amongst men. I take my hat off to you. 15 points, it can happen to any one, this is golf.

As always



Thailand Travel Update - 20 Sept 2006

Update from Thailand



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Life in Thailand is calm ... below is breaking news story from Bangkok Post on the recent events on tourism ...
Coup 'should not hurt tourism' (dpa) - The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) said Wednesday the impact of a bloodless military coup on Thailand's tourism sector had been minimal and advised visitors to continue with their plans to visit the country. Thailand attracts about 12 million tourist a year. "As you walk about the downtown areas of Bangkok there is very little to suggest the unusual, except that the traffic is lighter. Visitors here are saying that Thailand is as open and welcoming as usual," said Bob James, chairman of the Pata Thailand chapter. The tourism association said domestic and international airports, airline services and airport transfers were operating normally in Bangkok and throughout the country, despite the military coup that overthrew the government of Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Tuesday night.

to read more on this and other Thailand news click here

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Swaziland - Day Visitors Allowed


Dear Member,

We are pleased to announce that we will now accommodate members as day visitors to the golf course in Swaziland during the weekend of 29th September – 01st October 2006.

There is space for two 4balls only (8 people). Please note that priority will be given to members in good standing on a 1st come 1st served basis.

To confirm your place please transfer/deposit R 750.00 into the club bank account without delay and immediately fax proof to 0866361340 or e-mail mmifi@kcp.co.za You snooze you loose!!!!

Your R750.00 will cover the following for the two days;

Green fees
Caddy cart - shared
Halfway meal
Prizes on Sunday afternoon (performance related)

Note: You must fax/email proof to be counted.



Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Next Game Notification - Zwartkop: 17th Sept 2006

Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

Out next game is as follows:

VENUE: Zwartkop Golf Club

DATE: 17th September 2006

TEE OF TIME: 11H36 (Specific times will be sent out next week on Friday morning together with the pairings)

FORMAT: Full Medal



CONFIRMATION: Please confirm by no later than 14h00 on Wednesday 13th September 2006. If you are not playing please submit your apology on the same day and time.

UNIFORM: Red Shirt, Black Cap, Black Pants and Black Shoes.

Best regards,
Thomas Qhena
Club Captain.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Status of the game at Ruimsig and other next games

Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

As you know the situation of Randpark on the 30th July 2006 prompted us to phone all the remaining courses to increase the number from 24 to 32. I have now received responses from all the Courses that we still have to play and the results are as follows:

The following courses have agreed to increase the number to 32.

  1. Killarny GC on the 3rd September 2006
  2. Reading GC on the 15th October 2006
  3. Silver Lakes GC on the 12th November 2006
  4. Royal JHB East GC on the 26th November 2006

The following Courses can not increase the number from 24 due to the fact that they are fully booked on those days.

  1. Roodepoort GC (Ruimsig) on 27th August 2006
  2. Zwartkop GC on the 17th September 2006
  3. Woodhill CC on the 3rd December 2006.

NB: Therefore, this means that on this Sunday at Ruimsig ONLY 24 PLAYERS will be allowed to play.

The following members had confirmed by 14h00 today for this game.

Qhena; Mmifi; Tshabalala; Phungo; Zeth; Victor; Robby; Ntlai; Percy; Thomas Kikine (Trialist); Sobantu; Dwinkie; Champ; Alf; Thabo; Mike; Moss; City; Vuli; Zainul and Mokhine.

There are only 3 places left and these will be filled on “First Come First Serve Basis”.

NB: For the people that have confirmed, it means that you can’t pool out now because then the club will have to pay for your Green Fees still.

Best regards,

Thomas Qhena.

Club Captain.

Bangkok & KL - Updated Itinerary - 28th August 2006



Friday 8 12h00 Meet at Johannesburg International Airport International Departures – Malaysia Airlines check in desk.
14h45 Depart Johannesburg on flight MH 204 for Kuala Lumpur.
(Economy and Business class airfare Johannesburg/Kuala Lumpur included)

Saturday 9 06h45 Arrive Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
A short time for relaxation (and great shopping) at this excellent airport.
10h00 Depart on flight MH 784 to Bangkok.
11h05 Arrive Bangkok International Airport and transfer to the Amari Watergate Hotel.
This wonderful hotel is situated in the heart of the city –with the sky train close by, Pratunam market and THE computer plaza over the road, and within easy walking distance of all the major attractions of this “City of the Angels” you are all set to relax or “shop till you drop”.
This evening enjoy a Welcome Cocktail Party to meet your fellow guests and to enjoy a short “briefing session” to make the forthcoming days easy.
Overnight Amari Watergate Hotel.
(Economy class airfare Kuala Lumpur/Bangkok, Transfer airport/hotel, cocktail party and accommodation included)
Sunday 10 Breakfast
This morning transfer to the magnificent ALPINE golf course – home to Tiger’s amazing win at the Johnnie Walker Classic. After 18 holes of championship golf return to the hotel.
Non Golfers – Shopping/relaxation. Please ask at our hospitality desk in the lobby of the hotel should you require any assistance – we KNOW the best places to shop and visit!!
(Breakfast, transfers to and from golf club,green fees and buggy fees, (non golfers at leisure)and accommodation included)

Monday 11 Breakfast
(entire group) This morning enjoy a tour of Thailand’s most beautiful attraction – The Grand Palace. Visit the most important temple in Thailand – The Temple of the Emerald Buddha and marvel at the beautiful architecture, the customs, the culture and magnificent paintings and furniture. Return to the hotel.
16h00 –GOLFERS - transfer to Maung Ake Vista golf course or President Golf Course on the outskirts of the city to enjoy the unique experience of Night Golf – play this challenging course under floodlights and master the tricky greens in the cool of the evening.
(Breakfast, half day tour to the Grand Palace,GOLFERS -transfers to and from night golf, green fees and buggy fees and accommodation included)

Tuesday 12 Breakfast
GOLFERS - Transfer to the famous Bangkok Golf Club. Enjoy 18 holes of championship golf at this beautiful course (challenge the “island green” on the 2nd) after which return to the hotel around 14h00.

Non-Golfers – optional tour to the Floating Markets.

19h00 (Entire group) Transfer from the hotel to the Chaoprayya River to enjoy a dinner cruise on the “River of Kings”.
Prize giving for The Order of Merit will be held during the evening.
Overnight Amari Watergate Hotel
(Breakfast, transfers to and from the golf course, green fees and buggy fees, transfers to and from jetty, Dinner Cruise and accommodation included)

Wednesday 13 Breakfast
09h15 - Transfer to the airport for your short flight to Kuala Lumpur.
12h00 Depart Bangkok on flight MH 785 for Kuala Lumpur
15h05 Arrive Kuala Lumpur and transfer to your hotel – The Crowne Plaza Mutiara, set in the Bukit Bintang area – close to all the shopping, entertainment areas and the world famous Petronas Towers.
At leisure to explore this beautiful city.
Overnight Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel
(Breakfast, transfers and accommodation included)

Thursday 14 Breakfast
Golfers : The highlight of your golfing experience.
Transfer to The Mines Golf Course. This “invitation only” course is a challenge for both low and high handicappers – previously home to the Malaysian Open, The Johnny Walker Classic and many other PGA Tour sanctioned events, this is a truly great experience.
Non golfers : Enjoy a half day tour of the city of Kuala Lumpur – marvel at the “old and the new” side by side. A photo opportunity at the King’s Palace. View Merdaka Square with its historical buildings, the beautiful Mosque, and, many other beautiful sights. Visit a handicraft centre to learn how batik is made and painted.
Return to the hotel
19h00 – (entire group) transfer to enjoy a Malaysian Evening with traditional Malaysian food and a cultural show.
This evening – prize giving for THE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS – may the best golfer win !
Return to hotel after dinner and prize giving.
Overnight Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel.
(Breakfast, transfers to and from the Mines Club, green fees, transfers to and from restaurant/hotel and accommodation included)

Friday 15 Breakfast
Today at leisure for the whole group.
Why not take optional tours to visit some of the beautiful areas or this afternoon take a tour to the Mangrove Swamps to witness a truly amazing spectacle – the jungle lit up with thousands of lights from the fireflies.
If you wish why not (from around 17h00) visit Chinatown for shopping for all those amazing “designer” articles!!
Overnight Crowne Plaza Mutiara Hotel.
(Breakfast and accommodation included)
Saturday 16 Breakfast
Time for all the “last minute” shopping or relaxing or optional game of golf
21h00 – Transfer to Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your departure flight to South Africa
(Breakfast, Transfer Hotel/KLIA included)

Sunday 17 01h05 – Depart Kuala Lumpur on flight MH 201 for Johannesburg
05h40 – Arrive Johannesburg International Airport.
(Economy class airfare Kuala Lumpur/Johannesburg included)

New System for Game Bookings & Payments : 24th August 2006

Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

We have thought of looking at various ways that can simplify processes within the club in relation to our games. This is what we want to implement with immediate effect starting from this weekend’s game at Ruimsig.

We will remind and notify you of the next game way ahead of time.
Deadline for confirmations will always be at least “3 Working Days” before the game.
All members who have confirmed will then be expected to Deposit their Green Fees into the Ambassadors Bank Account.
Then fax the proof of payment to the Captain before closure of business on Friday before the game.
Only those members who have paid their green fees and had faxed proof of payment to the Captain will be eligible to play.
On Friday morning the Captain will then send out the Pairings of the fourballs with Tee off times, etc.

NB: Then, (a) if you have not confirmed you will NOT be on the pairings, (b) if you have confirmed but did not pay green fees + fax proof to Captain you may not play, (c) if you did not confirm and you show up on Sunday at the game you will not be allowed to play, (d) if you confirm and not show up on Sunday for the game you forfeit your green fees and you get penalized. (CHECK THE CLUB RULES)

Reasons for the above changes are:

To minimize the admin work on the course.
To reduce or minimize the cash handling at the course
Some courses have and others are moving towards a cashless environment.
To allow members to arrive closer to their Tee off times as opposed to now where you arrive 45 – 60 minutes before your tee off time.

Lady and gentlemen, this is a very easy and simple process. If we can be disciplined and responsible enough to make it work, it will work.

So, here we go and let’s start right now. All those members who are playing at Ruimsig please deposit your green fees (R150.00) into the Club’s Account ASAP and fax me your proof of payment by no later than 12h00 tomorrow Friday 25th August 2006. My fax number is shown here below. The Club’s Account Number is:

Account name: Ambassadors Golf Club
Bank: Standard
Branch: Sandton
Branch code: 009205
Acc No: 428088368


Best regards,
Thomas Qhena.
Club Captain

Next Game Notification - Killarney : 3rd Sept 2006

Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

Our next game is as follows:

VENUE: Killarney Golf Club

DATE: 3rd September 2006

TEE OFF TIME: 11h11 (Specific times will be sent to you with the Pairings the Friday before the game)



UNIFORM: Maroon (Cutter & Buck) Shirt; Khaki Pants; Black Cap; Red Jacket and any colour of golf shoes.


· We have managed to increase the number to 32 players for this game.
· Please confirm by Wednesday 30th August 2006 before 13h00 Sharp.
· Once I have confirmed that you are on the list then you will have to deposit your green fees (R170.00) into the Club’s Account.
· Then fax / email me your proof of payment.
· On Friday morning 31st August 2006 I will then send out the pairings.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation in making Ambassadors a dynamic, effective, efficient and well run & managed club.

Best regards,
Thomas Qhena.
Club Captain.

The Game at Killarney - 3rd September 2006

Hi Champ & Gentlemen!!

The abovementioned game (Killarney - 3rd September 2006) is for 32 players as previously communicated to you on Friday 25th to be precise. As at 14h00 today 16 members had confirmed already for this game. So effectively there are 16 spots left and therefore please make your move.

Those who have confirmed please deposit your R170.00 into the Club’s Account before 13h00 on Wednesday 30th August 2006 as follows: For reference purposes, please use your first name, initial of your surname and the name of the course like this;
Thomas Q – Killarney. This is to help the Treasurer to be able to do the recon easily from the bank statement. PLEASE email / fax me your proof of payment soon after paying.

As indicated last week once I have 32 players confirmed I will then send out the pairings on Friday morning.

I anxiously await your confirmations before it is too late.

Best regards,
Thomas Qhena.
Club Captain.

Update Eastern Mosaic - Mon 28th August 2006

Dear World traveler,

Welcome to the ‘Eastern Mosaic”. The count down has just begun.

If you have not arranged with your sister, mother, mother in law, aunt, grandma, 1st ex husband/wife, you better do it now. Arrange what? They will have to take care of the kids from 08th to 17th December 2006. Why? You are going to have fun. Why? You earned it. Where? Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur.

I know some of you have not been away for some time due to business commitments and some, the kids. So don’t feel guilty, you deserve it. To refresh your memory, I have attached the itinerary so that you can start planning how much you want spend. Whose money? Who cares? As long as you have the credit card and your signature is authorized, then you are just fine. Whatever you do, be generous to yourself. Remember this is for you.

Most important
Please make sure that all outstanding amounts are paid in by end of September if the deposit paid is less than 50% of the total cost of travel. If however, you have paid more than that already, then the balance may only be paid in by end of October 2006.

Hancadri and Jan are standing by to tidy up some outstanding issues. Call now. 012 665 1398 or e-mail Hancadri@mweb.co.za or jjan@mweb.co.za

Regards – for now

Mmifi Molapo

Order of Merit after Ruimsig - Covering Note

The Champ & Members,


Roodeport or Ruimsig as the locals fondly call it was not as friendly as they may want you to believe for some of us at least. For Thabo and Moss the picture was very different. They both tied for the 1st place with brilliant 74’s. Gents, I take my hat off to you. This performance moves Thabo 5 places to the 4th place on his own. Keep the flag high for the double digit handicappers. Sadly you may not be an 11 for much longer. But hey, we salute you.

After an outstanding and steady golf for 13 solid holes, disaster struck on the short par three 5th. The first tee shot went to drink, the second was still thirsty, the third got into the thick stuff and was unplayable. In the end we both simultaneously declared a nine (9). Oh… that hurt. I know it because I was the marker. Yes that’s golf. It will test your character. The gentleman was peaceful after all that drama. Yes, he is a tough guy.

Let’s continue to have fun.